#4 Accidents Do Happen
Something that I pride myself in is that I am a safe driver. I was taught to drive by my dad who spent countless hours, that easily add up to months, in teaching me how to drive defensively and offensively and what to do when you know you are going to crash. The hard part is no matter how many hours you spend learning something, it will never compare to when that thing really happens. The first time you drive alone, the first accident you are in, those near misses.
I did not realize how true this was till I, this
last month, was in a crash that completely totaled my car and could have ended
in death. Little back story I was driving on the 101 heading east when traffic
started to merge and suddenly, we all came to a fast but complete stop. I was a
cars length between me and the person in front of me when I looked up in my
review mirror and just knew the person behind me was going to collide with my
rear, and it was not going to be pretty.
I remember my dad telling me during
our driving lessons if I ever enter a situation like that try to relax so that
the damage is not as extensive to my own body. In a split second my life changed,
my head hit my steering wheel as my airbags did not deploy and my car was
forced into the stopped car in front of me. I was completely stranded in the
middle of the road not knowing if I was even okay and the only thing that kept
coming to mind was my dad’s teachings. We had talked and talked about accidents,
how they can happen, why they happen, what to do if they happen and as I was
sitting in my wrecked car with tears streaming down my face, officers trying to
make sure I’m okay, I just kept thinking how through all his lessons we had, it
never fully prepared me to actually face the reality of it happening. I feel
like this is highly underrated thought in our society today. We are being
constantly prepared to face the world as adult, individuals, people, and yet
when we get thrown out on our butts alone, we never truly are ready to face
what the world has to offer. We like to think we know it all and we can face anything,
but life has a tendency of throwing reality at us. I would urge you to remember
that what you learn in a safe environment is not going to accurately reflect
the reality and gravity of situations as you face them in real time. Accidentsdo happen and you can only be so ready.
Hi Mia, I'm sorry that happened you. I was also taught the importance of safe driving as well. My mom was in many severe accident when she was younger. She didn't wear a seatbelt one time and got rear ended. She ended up flying out the windshield and having glass picked out of her head at the hospital. It's always been stressed on me to drive safe and wear a seatbelt. I hope you are doing well now and have had a speedy recovery.