Entry #1 Blogger to Blogger


To be honest I have always been a huge fan of blogs. Personally, it feels beneficial to read up on someone else’s thoughts and concerns as it helps broaden my own scope of mind. I like to just sit down and read, as it is mind provoking and can help in understanding other’s perspectives and why our views could differ or relate.  Some blogs are not for me as I am not a huge fan of reading about food, but I have found some blogs that talk about real life issues or conflicts that help in not only critical thinking but relaying reliable information freely to the public.

 One blog that I am not particularly fond of is E! News. This blog covers a lot of celebrities and spreading gossip around that could harm more lives then help. I have never been a person to blindly rely on "news" outlets like this specifically because of the "reliable" sources which remain unnamed, untagged an underrepresented. what I mean by this is the information that is so earth shattering about our favorite public eyes could be completely made up. There is no proof behind their research for words that are so easily posted to a public account . Personally I feel like you have to name your sources and be able to prove your information for a blog to be effective. The writing style may-be casual/professional but it does not make that blog worth reading in any sense of the word.

 I recently read through a professional blog that relays information and resources to parents and teachers of secondary and primary education called Edutopia. Personally, these are some of my favorite blogs due to the research and hard evidence put into it. It was advised to truly aid in the education of the youth today, that not only teachers can take advantage of but parents as well. I could not find one writing piece among the many that could not be helpful and informative. For example, how to talk to children, not only can this help in the communication between teacher and student but can aid in the understanding that some children have different needs that can be overlooked. It also aids in giving different reasons why different programs and games can help in critical thinking just like the trendy game "Among Us"

One other blog that's kind of casual moreover, is the Esports which report accurate information about teams that are so loved playing their games. Their sources are reliable, and you are getting information sometimes in real time. Not to mention, everything can be fact checked, it is unbiased, and is there for the public use. Not all blogs have to be super professional but I feel like a big purpose of blogs is to give accurate information whether that means it's a personal blog relaying a family trip which is backed up with photos dates and times, or a cooking blog which gives you accurate recipes that you can look up and have backed up by a nutritionist or a blog about history which has direct links to historical sites that are reliable and checked out by the government and used in classes Across America.


  1. Hi Mia!
    I can totally agree with you on not being the biggest fan of E! News. I feel like they are always trying to harm their lives without knowing if it is a fact or a rumor being spread around. Although, I do enjoy TMZ much better than E! News. I am going to check out the blog you linked about education. I think I would be able to get more knowledge on what it is about. Also how did you feel about Esports? Did you enjoy it more than the others linked?

    1. Hi Karina,
      Honestly I'm not the biggest sports fan and i checked out this blog as a favor to my brothers. I did enjoy it but definitely not as much as the educational blog, since that is there to help and change lives.

  2. I agree with you on all blogs don't have to be professional but the information should be accurate and factual at the same time. E News was never one of my favorites I always felt as if the information is just twisted to make bigger issues of situations.

  3. Hi Mia,
    I'm on the same page as you about E! News, all they care about is drama and I'm not into that kind of thing. I love that you are interested in research and hard evidence when reading, too many individuals are into mindless nonsense these days, so its refreshing to see.


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